The Voice Xpress Administrator Guide will instruct you on how to setup and configure Voice Xpress.
Voice Xpress 5.4.0Administrator Guide (For eTime Xpress versions 7.008.000 and above)
Table of Contents
1. Overview
2. Access Accounts
2.1. Branch Default Values
2.2. Create Access Accounts
2.3. Disabling Access Accounts
2.4. Time Zone Change
3. Schedule Publishing
3.1. Publishing Rules
3.2. Reviewing Confirmed/Unconfirmed Shifts
4. eClock (Previously TeleClock)
4.1. Check-In & Check-Out
4.1.1. Checking Into Scheduled Shifts
4.1.2. Checking Into Unscheduled Shifts
4.1.3. Rounding Rules
4.1.4. Safety Check Intervals
4.1.5. Multiple Check-Ins
4.1.6. Break Confirmations
4.1.7. General Options
4.2. ClockTrack (Previously CallTrack)
4.2.1. Add a Site
4.2.2. Register Clock IDs
4.2.3. Block Calls
4.3. Alerts
4.3.1. Enabling Alerts
4.3.2. Disabling Alerts
4.3.3. Message Fields
4.3.4. Header and Footer
4.3.5. Send Rules
4.3.6. Alert Email Addresses
4.3.7. Configuring Email Program
4.3.8. Designating Supervisors
4.3.9. Employee Supervisors
4.3.10. Employee Team Setup
4.3.11. Site Supervisors
4.3.12. Site Group Setup
4.3.13. Service Supervisors
4.3.14. Service Group Setup
4.3.15. Responding to Alerts
4.3.16. Starting Alert Monitoring
4.3.17. Reviewing Alerts Online
5. Time Entry
5.1. Entry Settings
5.2. Job Codes
5.2.1. Create Job Codes
5.2.2. Add Job Code Permissions to Employees
5.3. Job Code Groups
5.3.1. Create Job Code Groups
5.3.2. Add Job Codes to Job Code Groups
5.3.3. Add Employees to Job Code Groups
5.3.4. Add Job Code Groups to Employees
6. Time Off Requests
6.1. Time Off Request Defaults
6.2. Time Off Request Settings
6.3. Time Off Request Entry Options
7. Setting Security
7.1. Employee Security
7.2. Employee Security Groups
7.2.1. Add Employee Security Groups
7.2.2. Add Employees to Employee Security Groups
7.2.3. Add Employee Security Groups to Employees
7.2.4. Add Security Restrictions to Employee Security Groups
7.3. Supervisor Security
7.4. Supervisor Security Groups
7.4.1. Add Supervisor Security Groups
7.4.2. Add Supervisors to Supervisor Security Groups
7.4.3. Add Supervisor Security Groups to Supervisors
7.4.4. Add Security Restrictions to Supervisor Security Groups
8. Recording Voice Files
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This setup guide will help you configure the features found in Voice Xpress - the product requires some initial setup before your Employees can access the phone system. You will need to configure only those Voice Xpress features licensed by your organization.
From the Main Menu of eTime Xpress, click Go > Voice Xpress. The Voice Xpress Main screen should appear as shown in the figure below.
Voice Xpress Main Screen with Annotations
Annotation | Description |
(1) Employee Access | Displays employees that have been granted access to Voice Xpress. |
(2) Setup Tab | Displays setup related tabs such as Configuration, eClock, Time Entry and Time Off. |
(2.1) Configuration Tab | Displays employee Voice Xpress account information. |
(2.2) eClock Tab | Displays eClock settings of an employee. |
(2.3) Time Entry Tab | Displays Time Entry settings of an employee. |
(2.4) Time Off Tab | Displays Time Off settings of an employee. |
(3) Security Tab | Displays security settings including feature access and security groups of an employee. |
(4) Team Tab | Displays employee teams to which an employee belongs. |
(5) Job Code Tab | Displays job code access and job code groups of an employee. |
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Before an employee can access Voice Xpress, they must first be registered with an access account in eTime Xpress. The access account defines an employee's log-in credentials, rights to features and other setup items to Voice Xpress.
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When creating Voice Xpress access accounts, the fields under the Configuration, eClock, Time Entry and Time Off tabs are preset to 'Use Branch Defaults'. Branch Defaults are the general Voice Xpress settings applicable to employees within the branch. If the Branch Defaults do not apply to an employee, you may define employee specific settings by un-checking the applicable 'Use Branch Defaults' check box.
To define or update Branch Defaults:
- From the Voice Xpress Main screen, click File > Branch Defaults. The Branch Default Settings dialog box should appear.
- Click the applicable tab in the Branch Default Settings dialog box and define the fields as required.
- Click the OK button to save the new default settings.
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To create a Voice Xpress access account:
Note: Descriptions on how to configure the setting in the eClock, Time Entry and Time Off tabs can be found under their respective sections in this user guide.
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Voice Xpress access accounts may be temporarily disabled, if required.
To disable an Access Account:
Note: To re-enable an access account, repeat the steps above and ensure that the 'Disable Phone Access' check box is no longer checked.
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Time zone adjustments may be defined when an employee and Voice Xpress server reside in different time zones. For example, a time zone adjustment of 3 hours would be required if an employee in an EST location checks-in to a Voice Xpress server in a PST location.
To define a Time Zone change:
- From the Voice Xpress Main screen, select an employee access account.
- Click the Setup > Configuration tab.
- Click Update button ( ) on the Tool Bar – the fields under the Configuration tab should become active.
- Specify the time zone adjustment in the 'Time Zone Change' field.
- Click the Save button ( ) to save the changes.
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The Schedule Publishing feature in Voice Xpress allows employees to review their schedules and confirm their shifts (i.e. accept/decline) over the telephone.
Schedule Publishing consists of a number of separate sub-features outlined below. Each feature may be enabled or disabled depending on how you want the Schedule Publishing feature to be used by your employees.
By default, when employees are granted access to Schedule Publishing, they have access to all related sub-features. If you want to disable a sub-feature, simply restrict that sub-feature under the Security tab on the Voice Xpress Main screen (see Setting Security in this user guide).
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Publishing Rules define the date range of shifts that employees can review, confirm and unconfirm. The publish dates feature is useful in controlling when schedules are distributed to employees. For example, schedulers may limit access to schedules until they have been finalized.
To define Schedule Publishing rules:
Item | Description |
All Dates | Employees may access all shifts. If selected, shifts are immediately published when created. |
Shifts Dated Up To | Employees may access shifts dated up to and including a specified date. If selected, the publish date is fixed and must be manually updated every scheduling period. |
Shifts Dated Up To # Days After Current Date | Employees may access shifts dated up to and including a specified number of days after the current date. (i.e. If # = 7, shifts are always published 1 week in advance) |
Shifts On or After | Employees may access shifts dated on or after a specified date. If selected, the confirm/unconfirm date is fixed and must be manually updated every scheduling period. |
Shifts On or After # Days After Current Date | Employees may access shifts dated on or after a specified number of days after the current date. |
Allow Employees to Confirm | If checked-on, when employees review their schedules, they will be prompted to confirm whether they can work their scheduled shifts. The confirmation date allows you to set a cutoff date in which employees will no longer be able to confirm a shift. This ensures that employees cannot make last minute changes to their schedule without notifying a supervisor or scheduler. |
Allow Employees to Unconfirm | If checked-on, employees will be allowed to unconfirm previously confirmed shifts. The confirmation date allows you to set a cutoff date in which employees will no longer be able to unconfirm a shift. This ensures that employees cannot make last minute changes to their schedule without notifying a supervisor or scheduler. |
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After a confirm/unconfirm cutoff has passed, you may generate a view of confirmed and unconfirmed shifts using the Visual Scheduler as shown in the figure below (see the Scheduling User Guide for more information).
Visual Scheduler – Reviewing Confirmed and Unconfirmed Shifts
Note: Unconfirmed shifts can be edited (i.e. set to open, tentative or deleted) using the Shift Toolbox in the Visual Scheduler.
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eClock is the time collection (Check-In & Check-Out) and workforce monitoring (ClockTrack and Alerts) module of Voice Xpress.
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Check-In & Check-Out automates the collection of time & attendance information by allowing employees to use the phone or web interface (see Web Xpress Web Time Clock) to record check-ins, check-outs and safety checks.
Check-In & Check-Out consists of a number of separate sub-features outlined below. Each sub-feature may be enabled or disabled depending on how you want the Check-In & Check-Out feature to be used by your employees.
By default, when employees are granted access to Check-In & Check-Out, they have access to all sub-related features. If you want to disable a sub-feature, simply restrict that sub-feature under the Security tab on the Voice Xpress Main screen (see Setting Security in this user guide).
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During the Check-In & Check-Out process, employees are asked to select either a scheduled or unscheduled shift. If a scheduled shift is selected, the check-in and check-out times are recorded against an existing scheduled shift created in eTime Xpress.
By default, the employees may select shifts for check-in up to 12 hours before (early check-in) and up to 12 hours after (late check-in) the scheduled start time of a shift. Checked-in shifts may be selected for check-out up to 24 hours after the recorded check-in time.
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During the Check-In & Check-Out process, employees are asked to select either a scheduled or unscheduled shift. If unscheduled is selected, a new shift will be created using the check-in and check-out times.
Unscheduled shifts may be selected for check-out up to 24 hours after the recorded check-in time.
Before an unscheduled shift can be created, the customer, site and service must be defined. The following 2 options are available when defining customer, site and service information for unscheduled shifts:
- Click Update button ( ) on the Tool Bar – the fields under the eClock tab should become active.
- Select the applicable 'Assignment Entry' setting.
- Click the Save button ( ) to save the changes.
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By default, when employees check-in, check-out or perform a safety check, the actual time is recorded. Voice Xpress allows you to set rounding rules according to different call-in situations.
To set rounding rules, click the Setup > eClock tab found in the Voice Xpress Main screen. The eClock tab should appear as shown in the figure below.
Voice Xpress eClock Tab
Scheduled Shifts | Description |
Check-in Early | When employee checks-in before the scheduled start time. |
Check-in Late | When employee checks-in after the scheduled start time. |
Check-out Early | When employee checks-out before the scheduled end time. |
Check-out Late | When employee checks-out after the scheduled end time. |
Safety Check Time | When employee performs health and welfare check. |
Unscheduled Shifts | Description |
Check-in | When employee checks-in to an unscheduled shift. |
Check-out | When employee checks-out from an unscheduled shift. |
Rounding Options | Description |
Actual | No rounding. Action is stamped with actual system time. |
Rounded | Rounds actual time to nearest 5, 10, 15 or 30 minutes. If 0 is selected, then no rounding occurs. |
Scheduled | Overwrites actual time with scheduled start or end time. |
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The safety check interval defines the frequency with which employee's are expected to call-in for the purposes of health & welfare checks. The safety check interval is used to evaluate if a health & welfare check is overdue and whether an alert should be sent by Voice Xpress.
To update a Safety Check Interval:
- From the Voice Xpress Main screen, select an employee access account.
- Click the Setup > eClock tab.
- Click Update button ( ) on the Tool Bar – the fields under the eClock tab should become active.
- Specify the time interval in minutes in the 'Safety Check Interval' field. If an employee is not required to perform safety check, set the Safety Check Interval to 0.
- Click the Save button ( ) to save the changes.
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By default, employees may check-in to only one shift at a time (i.e. they must check-out of a shift prior to checking-in to a new shift). Voice Xpress allows multiple shift check-ins, if required.
To enable Multiple Check-Ins:
- From the Voice Xpress Main screen, select an employee access account.
- Click the Setup > eClock tab.
- Click Update button ( ) on the Tool Bar – the fields under the eClock tab should become active.
- Check-on the 'Allow Multiple Check-Ins' check box.
- Click the Save button ( ) to save the changes.
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By default, when employees check-in to scheduled shifts, the scheduled break is automatically deducted from the length of the shift. Voice Xpress allows you to request that employees confirm if their scheduled break was taken. If their scheduled break was not taken, the break will be recorded as zero.
To enable Break Confirmations:
- From the Voice Xpress Main screen, select an employee access account.
- Click the Setup > eClock tab.
- Click Update button ( ) on the Tool Bar – the fields under the eClock tab should become active.
- Check-on the 'Require Break Confirmation' check box.
- Click the Save button ( ) to save the changes.
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Voice Xpress administrators may also control the check-in and check-out options.
From the Voice Xpress Main screen, click File > eClock > Options > General. The General Options screen should appear.
Option | Description |
Max Hours for Early Check-In(System default = 12) | The maximum hours an employee can check-in prior to the scheduled start time of a shift. |
Max Hours for Late Check-In(System default = 12) | The maximum hours an employee can check-in after the scheduled start time of a shift. |
Ignore Yesterday(System default = No) | Limit the available shifts for check-in and check-out to shifts scheduled on the calendar date. This would generally apply to organizations without overnight shifts. |
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ClockTrack verifies an employee's location when they perform a Check-In & Check-Out function. The ID of the device they are using to access the system is compared against a list of valid device or clock IDs defined for the site. For employees accessing via the telephone, the calling number captured by the caller ID function is used as the device ID. For employees accessing via the web interface, the IP address of their PC is used as the device ID.
If an employee checks-in/checks-out from a location transmitting an unregistered device ID, the invalid login is recorded and can be blocked and/or cause an alert to be sent.
Note: If you are identifying your employee's location using the calling phone number, ClockTrack requires that each analog phone line connected to Voice Xpress have the caller ID function enabled. Please contact your telecommunication provider for more information.
From the Voice Xpress Main screen, click File > eClock > ClockTrack Setup. The ClockTrack Setup screen should appear as shown in the figure below.
ClockTrack Setup with Annotations
Annotation | Description |
(1) Site Records | Displays customer and sites requiring device ID validation. |
(2) Setup Tab | Displays customer and site setup information. |
(3) Clock ID's Tab | Lists valid device IDs associated with a customer and site. |
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To add a Site for Caller ID Validation:
- From the ClockTrack Setup screen, click the Add button ( ) on the Tool Bar. The fields under Setup tab should become active.
- Specify the Customer and Site. Remember for fields that require entry by codes, you may press the F5 key to bring up a list of valid entries.
- Click the Save button ( ) to save the record.
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To register Valid Site clock IDs:
- Press the Enter key to save the record.
- Repeat until all valid clock ids are registered.
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If an employee does not call from a device matching a valid clock id, you have the option of blocking the call. The block call function will log the call from the unregistered device and prevent any Check-In & Check-Out actions.
To enable Call Blocking:
- From the ClockTrack Setup screen, select a Customer and Site.
- Click the Setup tab.
- Click Update button ( ) on the Tool Bar – the fields under the Setup tab should become active.
- Check-on the 'Block Calls From Unregistered Clock IDs' check box.
- Click the Save button ( ) to save the changes.
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As Check-In & Check-Out information is collected, it can be processed to generate real-time email alerts when specific attendance exceptions occur (i.e. missed check-in, calls from unregistered phone numbers etc.).
From the Voice Xpress Main screen, click File > eClock > Alert Setup > Alert Types. The Alerts Setup screen should appear as shown in the figure below.
Alert Setup
Annotation | Description |
(1) Alert Types | Displays the list of attendance exceptions on which alerts can be generated. |
(2) Setup Tab | Displays available fields that can be attached to an alert message. |
(3) Send Rules | Defines send rules governing who are to receive alert messages. |
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The Alerts features of Voice Xpress can track several attendance situations and generate a corresponding alert when they occur. The attendance situations that can be monitored by the Alerts feature are as follows:
- From the Voice Xpress Main screen, click File > eClock > Alert Setup > Alert Types - the Alert Setup screen should appear.
- Select an Alert Type and double-click on the item until the value under the Status column reads 'On'.
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To disable an Alert:
- From the Voice Xpress Main screen, click File > eClock > Alert Setup > Alert Type - the Alert Setup screen should appear.
- Select an enabled Alert Type and click the Setup tab.
- Click the Update button ( ) and check-on the 'Disabled' check-box.
- Click the Save button ( ) to save the changes.
Note: If the status of an alert is set to 'Off', all setup related to that alert will be deleted (i.e. message fields, distribution rules etc.). If the Alert is being disabled temporarily, please use the 'Disabled' check-box under the Setup tab.
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For each Alert Type, a custom message can be defined containing shift and other information.
To define the message content for an Alert Type:
Note: If you are sending Alert messages to a text message address (i.e. cell phone), please note that most text messages are limited to a maximum of 256 characters.
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The Alerts feature allows you to define standard text that can appear before (Header) or after (Footer) the message fields in an Alert message.
To define a Header or Footer for an Alert Type:
Note: For header or footer information to appear in an alert message, 'Header Text' and/or 'Footer Text' must be selected from the list of message fields.
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Send Rules define how alert messages should be routed when a monitored attendance exception occurs.
Send Rules are defined according to call groupings containing a list of contacts – each call grouping is prioritized into 1st Clock (Call), 2nd Clock (Call), 3rd Clock (Call) and 4th Clock (Call). When an alert occurs, messages are sent to the applicable call groupings in priority order (i.e. 1st Call then 2nd Call etc.) until the attendance exception has been resolved or responded to by a supervisor. Within each call group, you may define the number of alert message attempts before escalating the alert to the next call group. The Call setup items are defined are as follows:
Clock (Call) Setup
From the Voice Xpress Main screen, click File > eClock > Alert Setup > Alert Types – the Alert Setup screen should appear.Anchor OLE_LINK2 OLE_LINK2 - Select an Alert Type.
- Click a Clock tab (i.e. 1st Clock (Call), 2nd Clock (Call), 3rd Clock (Call) or 4th Clock (Call)) and click the Update button ( ) - the fields under the call tab should become active.
- Define the Call Setup information.
- Define the Distribution List.
- Click the Save button ( ) to save the changes.
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When Alerts are configured to be sent to employees and/or supervisors, the alert email address must be defined for the employee. Generally, the alert email address is defined to be a "mobile" address which can be accessed in the field (i.e. addresses routed to cell phones, smart phones, PDAs, Blackberries or similar email enabled devices etc.).
To define an Alert Email Address:
Note: Voice Xpress does not use the email address configured under the contact tab in the Employee module because that address normally corresponds to static email accounts (i.e. home).
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Before Alert Emails can be sent, you must register the email program you will be using in Voice Xpress.
From the Alerts Setup screen, click File > Branch Alert Settings. The Branch Alert E-mail Settings screen should appear as shown in the figure below.
Branch Alert Settings
Note: To configure your SMTP settings, please consult your network administrator. If you wish to use Microsoft Outlook as your email send program, it must be open and running on the PC where the Alerts Monitor program is running.
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Voice Xpress allows you to designate employees as supervisors to receive alerts when a shift triggers an attendance exception.
To designate an Employee as a Voice Xpress Supervisor:
Supervisors may be defined as employee supervisors, site supervisors and/or service supervisors – configure the supervisor option(s) applicable to your workforce.
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Employee Supervisors are responsible for an employee or a group of employees (i.e. a team). Employee Supervisors receive alerts when attendance exceptions occur on shifts that match the employees they are assigned to supervise.
To add an Employee Permission to a Supervisor:
- From the Voice Xpress Main screen, click File > eClock > Alert Setup > Supervisor Setup – the Voice Xpress Supervisor Setup screen should appear.
- Select a Supervisor and click the Employees tab.
- Click the Add button under the Employee Teams browser and specify the applicable Employee Team information. Remember for fields that require entry by codes, you may press the F5 key to bring up a list of valid entries.
- Press the Enter key to save the record.
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Employee Teams allow you to define a profile of Employee access rights. When a Supervisor is added to an Employee Team, they automatically inherit the Employee access rights of the Employee Group.
To create an Employee Team:
- From the Supervisor Setup screen, click File > Employee Team Setup – the Employee Team Setup screen should appear.
- Select an Employee Team and click the Supervisors Tab.
- Click the Add button under the Supervisors tab and specify the Supervisor information. Remember for fields that require entry by codes, you may press the F5 key to bring up a list of valid entries.
- Press the Enter key to save the record.
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Site Supervisors are responsible for one or a group of Sites. Site Supervisors receive alerts when attendance exceptions occur on shifts that match the Sites they are assigned to supervise.
To add a Site Permission to a Supervisor:
- From the Voice Xpress Main screen, click File > eClock > Alert Setup > Supervisor Setup – the Voice Xpress Supervisor Setup screen should appear.
- Select a Supervisor and click the Sites tab.
- Click the Add button under the Site Groups browser and specify the applicable Site Group information. Remember for fields that require entry by codes, you may press the F5 key to bring up a list of valid entries.
- Press the Enter key to save the record.
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Site Groups allow you to define a profile of Site access rights. When a Supervisor is added to a Site Group, they automatically inherit the Site access rights of the Site Group.
To create a Site Group:
- From the Supervisor Setup screen, click File > Site Group Setup – the Site Group Setup screen should appear.
- Select a Site Group and click the Supervisors Tab.
- Click the Add button under the Supervisors tab and specify the Supervisor information. Remember for fields that require entry by codes, you may press the F5 key to bring up a list of valid entries.
- Press the Enter key to save the record.
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Service Supervisors are responsible for one or a group of Service types. Service Supervisors receive alerts when attendance exceptions occur on shifts that match the Service types they are assigned to supervise.
To add a Service Permission to a Supervisor:
- From the Voice Xpress Main screen, click File > eClock > Alert Setup > Supervisor Setup – the Voice Xpress Supervisor Setup screen should appear.
- Select a Supervisor and click the Services tab.
- Click the Add button under the Service Groups browser and specify the applicable Service Group information. Remember for fields that require entry by codes, you may press the F5 key to bring up a list of valid entries.
- Press the Enter key to save the record.
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Service Groups allow you to define a profile of Service access rights. When a Supervisor is added to a Service Group, they automatically inherit the Service access rights of the Service Group.
To create a Service Group:
- From the Supervisor Setup screen, click File > Service Group Setup – the Service Group Setup screen should appear.
- Select a Service Group and click the Supervisors Tab.
- Click the Add button under the Supervisors tab and specify the Supervisor information. Remember for fields that require entry by codes, you may press the F5 key to bring up a list of valid entries.
- Press the Enter key to save the record.
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By default, Supervisors can "respond" to alerts – a process where Supervisors may call into Voice Xpress to stop an alert originating from a specific attendance exception.
To respond to an Alert:
- Dial into Voice Xpress using an access account with supervisor rights.
- Select the 'Supervisor Options' voice prompt.
- Select the 'Respond to an Alert' voice prompt.
- Enter the 6-digit alert ID specified in the alert message and follow the remaining voice prompts.
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The attendance monitoring process is managed by a separate application called the Celayix Auto Monitor. The Celayix Auto Monitor processes attendance data at regular intervals to determine if attendance exceptions have occurred.
Celayix Auto Monitor is a standalone application and runs independently from both eTime Xpress and Voice Xpress. The Celayix Auto Monitor must be started and running before alerts can be sent by Voice Xpress.
If the Celayix Auto Monitor is not pre-installed, perform the following steps:
- Specify the time interval between attendance checks. The interval corresponds to the time increment starting at the top of the hour. For example, if 15 minutes is selected, the Celayix Auto Monitor will process attendance every 15 minutes starting at the top of an hour (i.e. 1:00AM, 1:15AM, 1:30AM, 1:45AM, 2:00AM etc.). If the volume of alerts is too high, try selecting a longer interval - a 15 minute or longer interval is recommended.
- Minimize the Celayix Auto Monitor program by clicking the minimize button in the top right corner ( Warning: The Celayix Auto Monitor program should not be closed or exited as it will stop the monitoring process. ).
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Voice Xpress provides a separate viewer called the Alert Notice program which allows a history of alerts to be viewed online.
To install the Alert Notice program:
- Click on the eTime Xpress Alert Notice icon.
- Login using your eTime Xpress user name and password. The Alert Notice screen should appear as shown in the figure below.
Alert Notice
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The Time Entry feature in Voice Xpress allows employees to enter time sheet information over the telephone.
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Entry Settings define the format which shift information is to be entered into Voice Xpress. The following options are available when entering location (customer, site and service information) and break information:
Voice Xpress Main Screen – Time Entry Tab
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Job Codes allow you to define numeric codes to represent a specific customer, site and service combination. The purpose of Job Codes is to simplify the data entry process over the telephone.
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To create a Job Code:
- From the Voice Xpress Main screen, click File > Time Entry > Job Code Setup – the Job Code Setup screen should appear as shown in the figure below.
- Click the Add button ( ) on the Tool Bar - the fields under Job Code Setup should become active.
- Assign the Job Code, description, Customer, Site and Service information.
- Click the Save button ( ) to save the record.
Job Code Setup
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To add a Job Code Permission to an Employee:
By default, employees have access to all job codes. If an employee has access to only specific job codes, click the Update button ( ) and ensure that the 'Allow Access to All Job Codes' is not checked.
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Job Code Groups allow you to define a profile of Job Code access rights. When an employee is added to a Job Code Group, they automatically inherit the Job Code access rights of the Job Code Group.
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To create a Job Code Group:
- From the Voice Xpress Main screen, click File > Time Entry > Job Code Group Setup – the Job Code Group Setup screen should appear as shown in the figure below.
- Click the Add button ( ) on the Tool Bar - the fields under Setup tab should become active.
- Assign the Job Code Group Code and description.
- Click the Save button ( ) to save the record.
Job Code Group Setup
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To add Job Codes to a Job Code Group:
- From the Voice Xpress Main screen, click File > Time Entry > Job Code Group Setup – the Job Code Group Setup screen should appear.
- Select a Job Code Group and click the Setup Tab.
- Click the Add button under the Setup tab and specify the applicable Job Code information. Remember for fields that require entry by codes, you may press the F5 key to bring up a list of valid entries.
- Press the Enter key to save the record.
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To add an Employee to a Job Code Group:
- From the Voice Xpress Main screen, click File > Time Entry > Job Code Group Setup – the Job Code Group Setup screen should appear.
- Select a Job Code Group and click the Employees Tab.
- Click the Add button under the Employees tab and specify the Employee information. Remember for fields that require entry by codes, you may press the F5 key to bring up a list of valid entries.
- Press the Enter key to save the record.
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To add a Job Code Group to an Employee Access Account:
- From the Voice Xpress Main screen, select an employee access account and click the Job Code tab.
- Click the Add button under the Job Code Groups browser and specify the applicable Job Code Group information. Remember for fields that require entry by codes, you may press the F5 key to bring up a list of valid entries.
- Press the Enter key to save the record.
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The Time Off Request feature in Voice Xpress allows employees to request time off requests over the telephone. To review Time Off Requests, go to the Visual Scheduler > Tools > Time Off schedule and click File > Import> Time Off Requests.
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Time Off Request Defaults define the type of Time Off Request which can be entered by an employee via Voice Xpress.
To define Time Off Request Options:
Voice Xpress Main Screen – Time Off Tab
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Time Off Request Settings define the dates your employee can create time off request records.
To define Time Off Request Settings:
- From the Voice Xpress Main screen, click File > Time Off > Settings. The Time Off Entry Settings screen should appear.
- Set your allowable time off entry date range or rule.
- Click the OK button to save your changes.
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Time Off Entry Options define the time period options which employees can select in Voice Xpress.
- From the Voice Xpress Main screen, click File > Time Off > Entry Options. The Time Off Entry Options screen should appear.
- Select a Time Off Entry option and click Update button ( ) on the Tool Bar.
- To activate a Time Off Entry option, set the Apply value to 'Yes'. To deactivate an option set the Apply value to 'No'.
- Specify the '# Key' value. For example, defining the '# Key = 9' will prompt employees to 'Press 9' to select that period option when running Time Off Requests in Voice Xpress.
- Click the Save button ( ) to save the changes.
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Voice Xpress allows you to specify User access to features. Security is defined according to Restrictions which means that a User will have access to a feature unless they are restricted.
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To restrict access to a Voice Xpress feature:
Indented items indicate that they are sub-items of a higher parent branch. If a parent branch is restricted, all sub-items will automatically be restricted.
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Security Groups allow you to define a profile of feature restrictions. When an employee access account is added to a Security Group, they automatically inherit the restrictions profile of the Security Group.
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To add an Employee Security Group:
- From the Voice Xpress Main screen, click File > Employee Security Group Setup – the Employee Security Group Setup screen should appear.
- Click the Add button ( ) from the Tool Bar – the fields under the Setup tab should become active.
- Specify the Security Group Code and Description.
- Click the Save button ( ) to save the record.
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To add an Employee to an Employee Security Group:
If an employee is assigned to multiple security groups, the restrictions are cumulative (i.e. Employee Restrictions = Security Group 1 Restrictions + Security Group 2 Restrictions).
Note: Employees can also be added to Security Groups from the Voice Xpress Main screen by clicking the Security Tab and clicking the Add button below the Security Groups browser.
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To add an Employee Security Group to an Employee:
- From the Voice Xpress Main screen, select an employee access account and click the Security tab.
- Click the Add button under the Employee Security Groups browser and specify the applicable Employee Security Group information. Remember for fields that require entry by codes, you may press the F5 key to bring up a list of valid entries.
- Press the Enter key to save the record.
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To add feature security to an Employee Security Group:
Indented items indicate that they are sub-items of a higher parent branch. If a parent branch is restricted, all sub-items will automatically be restricted.
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Supervisor Security applies to those employees designated as supervisors (see Designating Supervisors).
To restrict access to a Voice Xpress Supervisor feature:
Indented items indicate that they are sub-items of a higher parent branch. If a parent branch is restricted, all sub-items will automatically be restricted.
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Supervisor Security Groups allow you to define a profile of feature rights and restrictions. When a supervisor access account is added to a Supervisor Security Group, they automatically inherit the profile of the Supervisor Security Group.
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To add a Supervisor Security Group:
- From the Supervisor Setup screen, click File > Supervisor Security Group Setup – the Supervisor Security Group Setup screen should appear.
- Click the Add button ( ) from the Tool Bar – the fields under the Setup tab should become active.
- Specify the Security Group Code and Description.
- Click the Save button ( ) to save your Supervisor Security Group information.
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To add a supervisor to a Supervisor Security Group:
If a supervisor is assigned to multiple supervisor security groups, the restrictions are cumulative (i.e. Supervisor Restrictions = Supervisor Security Group 1 Restrictions + Supervisor Security Group 2 Restrictions).
Note: Supervisors can also be added to Supervisor Security Groups from the Supervisor Setup screen by clicking the Security Tab and clicking the Add button below the Supervisor Security Groups browser.
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- From the Supervisor Setup screen, select a supervisor and click the Security tab.
- Click the Add button under the Supervisor Security Groups browser and specify the applicable Supervisor Security Group information. Remember for fields that require entry by codes, you may press the F5 key to bring up a list of valid entries.
- Press the Enter key to save the record.
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To add feature security to a Supervisor Security Group:
Indented items indicate that they are sub-items of a higher parent branch. If a parent branch is restricted, all sub-items will automatically be restricted.
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Voice Xpress allows you to record custom voice files for employee and customer/site names. By recording custom voice files, the playback of shift information will be more descriptive and useful to your employees. If a voice file does not exist, Voice Xpress will identify employees and customer/sites by their numerical ID numbers.
To record custom voice files: