Info |
For release to public |
Table of Contents |
SOAP API Documentation:
ETX 901 (latest)
Details of each field can be found in 9_0_1_eTimeXpressWebServicesAPI_Datasets.pdf
dsCustomer Dataset (ttCustomer)
Field name | Label | Description |
geolocation | Geo-location coordinates | Customer Contact - Geo-location coordinates |
dsEmployee Dataset (ttEmployee)
Field name | Label | Description |
alertsmsphone | Mobile Phone | Employee Contact - Mobile Phone number - format must be like: 19876540012 |
automobile | Owns automobile | Owns automobile |
carstcddesc | Registered | Employee Automobile - Registered in |
cycddesc | Country | Employee Contact Information - Country |
defsid | Default [%site%] ID | Default Site ID |
defsidname | Default [%site%] | Default Site |
defuid | Default [%Customer%] ID | Default Customer ID |
defuidname | Default [%customer%] | Default Customer |
depcddesc | Department | Employee Pay settings - Department |
emailconsent | Email consent | Employee Qualifications - Email consent |
embackgrdesc | Ethnicity | Employee Profile - Ethnicity code |
emmrstcddesc | Marital Status | Employee Profile - Marital Status |
emphone | Emergency contact phone | Emergency contact phone |
emposcddesc | [%Position%] | Employee Pay Settings - Position |
emsrtydesc | Default [%service%] | Employee Pay Settings - Service type |
loginid | Login ID | WebXP Login ID (User Name) |
maxdhours_disp | Display daily max hours | Employee Contact - Display daily max hours |
maxdhours_json | Daily max hours in JSON format | Daily max hours in JSON format |
maxmhours_disp | Display monthly max hours | Employee Contact - Display monthly max hours |
maxmhours_json | Monthly max hours in JSON format | Daily max hours in JSON format |
maxwhours_disp | Display weekly max hours | Employee Contact - Display weekly max hours |
maxwhours_json | Weekly max hours in JSON format | Daily max hours in JSON format |
payrates_disp | Display pay rates | Employee Pay Rates - Pay rates |
payrates_json | Pay rates in JSON format | Employee Pay Rates - Pay rates in JSON format |
pyfrcddesc | Pay Cycle | Employee Pay Settings - Pay Cycle |
qualif_disp | Display qualifications | Employee Qualifications - Qualifications |
qualif_json | Qualifications in JSON format | Employee Qualifications - Qualifications in JSON format |
recaccgrpdesc | Managed by record access groups | Employee managed by record access groups |
recaccgrpid | Managed by record access group IDs | Employee managed by record access group ID |
sendEmail | Send email | Send email |
sendSms | Send SMS | Send SMS |
smsconsent | SMS consent | SMS consent |
stcddesc | State/Province | Employee Contact - State/Province |
teamid | Team | Team ID |
teltype1desc | Phone type | Employee Contact - Phone type |
termrcdesc | Termination reason | Employee History - Termination |
timezoneid | Time zone code | Time zone code |
timezoneiddesc | Time zone | Time zone |
txppassword | Team Xpress account password | Employee Accounts - Team Xpress account password |
txpstatus | Team Xpress account status | Employee Accounts - Team Xpress account status |
txpstatuscode | Team Xpress account status code | Employee Accounts - Team Xpress account status code |
txpusername | Team Xpress account username | Employee Accounts - Team Xpress account username |
If API is used to set Team Xpress account info, then caller is responsible for communicating the same to the employee | ||
vxpephpwd | Voice Xpress account phone password | Employee Accounts - Voice Xpress account phone password |
vxpphoneid | Voice Xpress account phone ID | Employee Accounts - Voice Xpress account phone ID |
vxpstatus | Voice Xpress account status | Employee Accounts - Voice Xpress account status |
vxpstatuscode | Voice Xpress account status code | Employee Accounts - Voice Xpress account status code |
Caller is responsible for communicating Voice Xpess account info to the employee | ||
webgrpcd | Security Group code | Security Group code |
webgrpname | Security group | Security group |
workdays_disp | Disply Work Days | Employee work days |
dsEmpWebAc Dataset (ttEmpWebAc)
Field name | Label | Description |
acctStat | Account status | Account Status: "N" - not active, new; "I" - not active, invite sent; "A" - active; "D" - disabled |
chatAcctCreated | Chat Account Created | Chat Account Created |
hasLoggedIn | Has logged in | User has logged in before |
dsSrvType Dataset (ttSrvtype)
Field name | Label | Description |
authorized_qualification | [%Service%] authorized qualifications | Service Qualifications - Authorized qualifications |
qualification_rule_descriptions | General qualifications | General qualifications |
qualification_rule_ids | Qualification Codes | List of qualification codes |
dsSite Dataset (ttSite)
Field name | Label | Description |
allowactions | Allow employees to perform actions | Allow employees to perform actions |
authorized_qualification | [%Site%] Authorized Qualifications | Site Qualifications - Authorized qualifications |
billrates_disp | [%Site%] Display BillRates | Bill Settings - Bill Rates |
billrates_json | [%Site%] BillRates in JSON format | Bill Rates in JSON format |
csname | Name | Customer - Name |
geofenceradius | Geo-fence Radius | Geo-fence Radius |
geolocation | Geo-location coordinates | Site Geofencing - Geo-location coordinates |
gpstracking | GPS tracking | Site Geofencing - For verifying clock actions using phone's GPS |
maxdhours_disp | Display daily max hours | Site Max hours - Display daily max hours |
maxdhours_json | Daily max hours in JSON format | Daily max hours in JSON format |
maxmhours_disp | Display monthly max hours | Site Max hours - Display monthly max hours |
maxmhours_json | Monthly max hours in JSON format | Monthly max hours in JSON format |
maxwhours_disp | Display weekly max hours | Site Max hours - Display weekly max hours |
maxwhours_json | Weekly max hours in JSON format | Weekly max hours in JSON format |
qualification_rule_descriptions | General qualifications | General qualifications |
qualification_rule_ids | Qualification Codes | List of qualification codes |
registredphones | Registered phone numbers | Site Geofencing - Use the specified phone numbers for Voice Xpress |
staticipaddresses | Static IP address | Site Geofencing - Static IP address |
dsShifts Dataset (ttShifts)
Field name | Label | Description |
ConfirmAction | Confirm/Cancel Drop button action | Confirm Action:
confirmshifts | Required Confirm Shift | Required Confirm Shift |
DropSwapLine | Drop/Swap Line | Drop/Swap Line:
dsAvailability Dataset (ttAvailEmp)
Field name | Label | Description |
ConsecutiveDayOff | Consecutive Day Off | Consecutive Day Off |
Cost | Cost | Cost |
CustomerDailyBudget | [%Customer%] Daily Budget | Customer Daily Budget |
CustomerMonthlyBudget | [%Customer%] Monthly Budget | Customer Monthly Budget |
CustomerWeeklyBudget | [%Customer%] Weekly Budget | Customer Weekly Budget |
DoesNotExceedSiteMaxPayRate | Does not exceed [%site%] maximum pay rate | Does not exceed site maximum pay rate |
EmployeeBudgetIsExceeded | [%Employee%] budget is exceeded | Employee budget is exceeded |
EmployeeDailyBudget | [%Employee%] daily budget | Employee daily budget |
EmployeeHasRequestedTimeOff | [%Employee%] has requested time off | Employee has requested time off |
EmployeeHasTimeOff | [%Employee%] has time off | Employee has time off |
EmployeeIsDoubleBooked | [%Employee%] is double booked | Employee is double booked |
EmployeeMinimumRestPeriod | [%Employee%] minimum rest period | Employee minimum rest period |
EmployeeMonthlyBudget | [%Employee%] monthly budget | Employee monthly budget |
EmployeeWeeklyBudget | [%Employee%] weekly budget | Employee weekly budget |
ExperienceAtCustomerSite | Experience at [%Customer%] [%Site%] | Experience at customer site |
ListEmployeesWithDayOff | List [%Employee%] with day off | List employees with day off |
LocationTravelTime | [%Location%] travel time | Location travel time |
MatchesDefServiceType | Matches default service type | Matches default service type |
MeetsShiftQualifications | Meets shift qualifications | Meets shift qualifications |
NoOvertimeCaused | No overtime caused | No overtime caused |
NotScheduledOnThisDay | Not scheduled on this day | Not scheduled on this day |
priority | Priority | Priority |
RandomOrder | Random order | Random order |
rotationCountNumber | Rotation count numer | Rotation count numer |
ScheduledOnThisDay | Scheduled on this day | Scheduled on this day |
ScheduledOnThisDayOnLinkedEvent | Scheduled on this day on linked event | Scheduled on this day on linked event |
ServiceTypeInEmpPayRates | [%Service%] type in [%employee%] pay rates | Service type in employee pay rates |
ShiftIsRestricted | Shift is restricted | Shift is restricted |
SiteBudgetIsExceeded | [%Site%] budget is exceeded | Site budget is exceeded |
SiteDailyBudget | [%Site%] daily budget | Site daily budget |
SiteMonthlyBudget | [%Site%] monthly budget | Site monthly budget |
SiteWeeklyBudget | [%Site%] weekly budget | Site weekly budget |
sortorder | Sort order | Sort order |
TotalHoursMax | Total hours max | Total hours max |
VolunteerCode | [%Volunteer%] code | Volunteer code |
dsVolunsh Dataset (ttVolunsh)
Field name | Label | Description |
voldesc | [%Volunteer%] Code Description | Volunteer Code Description |
srvdesc | [%Service%] Code Description | Service Code Description |
dsCodesTable Dataset (ttCodesTable)
Field name | Label | Description |
readOnly | Read Only | Read Only |
Field name | Label | Description |
addr[1] | Address | Address |
addr[2] | Address | Address |
addr[3] | Address | Address |
addr[4] | Address | Address |
city | City | City |
cycd | Country code | Country code |
latitude | Latitude | Latitude |
longitude | Longitude | Longitude |
stcd | State/Prov | State/Prov |
VenueSpaceName | Venue Name | Venue Name |
zip | Zip or Postal Code | Zip or Postal Code |
Fields removed from 901
dsEmployee Dataset (ttEmployee)
Field name | Label | Description |
alertemailid | Alert Email | Employee Contact - Alert Email |
faxno | Fax | Employee Profile - Fax |
phone[2] | Phone 2 | Employee Profile - Phone 2 |
teltype[2] | Phone Type 2 | Employee Contact - Phone 2 type. Should contain value from the Phone Code List |