Reviews the hours calculation options when a shift spans over midnight.
Multimedia |
name | Celayix eLearining - TA - Day Cutoff.mp4 |
width | 600 |
height | 300 |
Week Start Day and Weekly Overtime
Demonstrates how to define period start information for calculating overtime over a week or multi-week period.
Multimedia |
name | CELAYI~1.MP4 |
width | 600 |
height | 300 |
Statutory Days
Demonstrates how to define Statutory Days (Holidays) and how Statutory hours are processed for billing and/or payroll purposes.
Multimedia |
name | Celayix eLearining - TA - Statutory Days.mp4 |
width | 600 |
height | 300 |
Daylight Saving Time
Demonstrates how to define Daylight Saving Time changes to automatically adjust hours when a shift spans over a Daylight Saving Time change.
Multimedia |
name | CELAYI~1.MP4 |
width | 600 |
height | 300 |
Pay Rates
Demonstrates how to setup employee pay rates by effective date and service and the impact on payroll processing.
Multimedia |
name | Celayix eLearining - TA - Pay Rates.mp4 |
width | 600 |
height | 300 |
Bill Rates
Demonstrates how to setup site bill rates by effective date and service and the impact on bill processing.
Multimedia |
name | Celayix eLearining - TA - Bill Rates.mp4 |
width | 600 |
height | 300 |
Verifying Worked Times
Demonstrates how to record the actual worked times of a shift.
Multimedia |
name | Celayix eLearining - TA - Verify Worked Times.mp4 |
width | 600 |
height | 300 |
Shift Distribution
Demonstrates how to review and update how the system has processed the total hours of a shift for payroll and/or billing purposes.
Multimedia |
name | Celayix eLearining - TA - Shift Distributions.mp4 |
Time and Attendance Replace Tool
Demonstrates how to use the Time and Attendance Replace tool to make bulk updates of time and distribution information for Worked shifts.
Multimedia |
name | Celayix eLearining - TA - Replace Tool.mp4 |
width | 600 |
height | 300 |
Shift Allowances
Demonstrates how to create allowances for pay and/or bill purposes.
Multimedia |
name | Celayix eLearning - TA - Shift Allowances.mp4 |
width | 600 |
height | 300 |
Locking Payroll and Billing Information
Demonstrates how to set read-only access to shift and distribution information after payroll and/or billing has been finalized.
Multimedia |
name | CELAYI~1.MP4 |
width | 600 |
height | 300 |
Control Center
Demonstrates how use the Control Center for dispatch and attendance monitoring purposes.
Multimedia |
name | Celayix eLearning - TA - Control Center.mp4 |
width | 600 |
height | 300 |
Billing and Payroll Exports
Provides an overview of the export process used to integrate with external applications for billing and payroll.
Multimedia |
name | Celayix eLearning - BillPay Exports.mp4 |
width | 600 |
height | 300 |
Configuring ADP Adaptor
Reviews the standard configuration requirements for exporting payroll information to ADP.
Multimedia |
name | Celayix eLearning - ADP Export.mp4 |
width | 600 |
height | 300 |