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Celayix Software Release Notes

December 2017
Version 8.0.5

New and Updated Features
eTime Xpress
Time Xpress
Team Xpress
Voice Xpress
Bug Fixes
eTime Xpress
Team Xpress
Time Xpress
Voice Xpress




These release notes provide information on the latest features added to Celayix's industry leading scheduling and time & attendance software.
These notes are for version 8.0.5 released in December 2017. They cover the changes made since version 8.0.4 released in April 2017.
Functions and Modules
Celayix products and modules are available in many different configurations. These release notes may describe features that you have not configured nor have access to.

Reference numbers
The descriptions may include Celayix internal reference numbers E.g. ET-1234, 4567. You may refer to these if you have questions about the features and changes.

New and Updated Features

eTime Xpress

Auto Shift Confirmation & Cannot Work functionality (ET-366)

The following features have been added:

  • Shifts to be 'auto-confirmed' meaning that when a shift is published they are confirmed by default (no further employee action required)
  • Permits employees to 'cannot work' a shift up to a specified deadline prior to shift start time
  • Permits shifts to be automatically be set to open when Cannot Work initiated in Team Xpress
  • Blocks employee from being re-scheduled
  • Exempts designated shifts from Cannot Work (individually and via Shift Toolbox)

Apply overtime and/or double overtime when employee works 6 and/or 7 consecutive days over a rolling period (ET-508)

Automatically apply overtime if the employee works 6 or more consecutive days. The days can span more than one scheduling week.
When working 6 consecutive days, allocate hours on the 6th day to OT. This new OT rule will be similar to existing eTime rule "When working 6 consecutive days, allocate hours on 6th day to OT and 7th day to double OT (DOT)" but it will not be limited to the scheduling week and will not allocate hours to DOT on the 7th day (hours will be allocated to OT).
For example if employee works the last 3 days from week one and only the first 3 days from week 2, all hours from the 3rd day on week 2 will be OT hours.
*NOTE: for initial release, this functionality will only be supported when Shift Distribution = Shift Start Date. Midnight Cut-off will be considered for a future release should it be necessary.

Allow users to search saved Templates (ET-544)

This provides the ability to search saved schedule templates.

Performance optimizations for Payroll summary and Billing summary reports (ET-578)

The code has been optimized to improve significantly improve performance when running reports that generate large sums of data.

Time Xpress

Reset Password Link Not Working

The reset password link is currently not working. If you need to reset your password, please contact your admin. For admin password resets, contact Support. 

Add more grid page size options (TIMEXP-571)

The options to display 50, 100 and All items within a grid is now available.

The safety Field does not appear to be an option (TIMEXP-770)

This field is now present in Time Xpress.

Design Changes

Province & Country field- added light-background to disabled state to maintain design consistency amongst fields (TIMEXP-910), (TIMEXP-911),
Country field - add light-background to disabled state (TIMEXP-911)
Client details modal - change cancel button to grey (TIMEXP-912)
Location modal - change cancel button to grey (TIMEXP-913)

Team Xpress

Reset Password Link Not Working

The reset password link is currently not working. If you need to reset your password, please contact your admin. For admin password resets, contact Support. 

Action Bubbles: Nav bar | Chat ("messages") (TEAMXP-347)

A bubble with a number in it now appears next to the Chat icon to indicate how many unread messages the user has.

Self-scheduling – Performance improvements (TEAMXP-889)

This will improve the performance of Self-Scheduling for clients who have large amount of security records for customer/sites

Voice Xpress

Allow employees to check-in if previous day's shift was not checked out and more than max check out time has elapsed (VXP-66)

If an employee has not checked out of a previous shift, and more than the "max checkout time" has elapsed, then the system will

  • not show this shift in Team Xpress dashboard (previous or current shift panel)
  • allow employee to check-in to new shift (even if "allow multiple check-ins" is disabled)

Bug Fixes

eTime Xpress

Branch Notifications - the time entered in the Timing section under the Employee Tab was moving an hour forward from the time that was inputted e.g. User enters 11:00am but this was saved as 12:00pm. This has now been resolved and the time entered will be what is saved in the system(ET-479)

Team Xpress

The 'Request time off' page is now being translated to French and Spanish correctly. (TEAMXP-594)

Availability – An error message no longer pops up when modifying a recurrence record (TEAMXP-675)

Forgot password link is now working (TEAMXP-870)

Availability entry was not following restrictions configured in eTime Xpress. An error message will now be returned if the start and end dates fall outside of the restrictions configured in eTime Xpress (WSCC) (TEAMXP-876)

The refresh action using (F5) no longer causes an error which would return the user to the login screen (TEAMXP-877)

Unable to submit availability for a new day has been resolved - (TEAMXP-880)

Dashboard will now display shift details when the end time has been suppressed in WebX Administration (TEAMXP-897)

Time Xpress

Shift Status 'over/under subscribed' no longer displays as a header row for the top level filter "shift statuses" (TIMEXPBL-66)

'Delete', 'Replace' and 'Edit' buttons on the 'Shift Details' are now working as expected for the browsers Chrome and Firefox (TIMEXP-221)

Dashboard will now close as soon as something else is selected. Previously the dashboard would persist even if another action was performed (TIMEXP-262)

The information entered in the 'Send feedback' link is now being sent to Celayix which was not previously happening (TIMEXP-373)

When the device height is big enough to fit all the contents within the screen, the Employee/Customer/Site Browser is no longer scrollable. (TIMEXP-391)

The X is no longer displayed for "Select columns to display" unless there is something typed in the search field (TIMEXP-692)

Previously the user could not see the main navigation bar within Auto Match when more than 20 items were being display per page. This has been resolved (TIMEXP-713)

'Select' and 'Cancel' buttons were getting cropped when trying to look up and select an employee on a small screen. This has been resolved (TIMEXP-812)

The application no longer takes the user back to page 1 of the results if they refresh the page and they are on page 3 for example. The user will now remain on the same page they are working on (TIMEXP-852)

Event object: Spanish words are no longer displaying in the French application (TIMEXP-864)

Forgot password: Cannot change password issues have been resolved (TIMEXP-966)

Find replacement is now accessible in Time Xpress (TIMEXP-973)

Updated Custom labels are now reflected in all the places in Time Xpress forms (TIMEXP-995)

Control Center - Ascending and descending types of sorting are now displaying the information correctly. (TIMEXP-1010)

Voice Xpress

Check In restrictions now reflect what is set in eTime, previously the user could not check into a shift more than 30 minutes early (VXP-60)

The wording when a user fails to login has been change to something that is more descriptive and helpful (VXP-65)