This is a list of the most common questions answered by Celayix support team. For questions not answered here, contact your company's administrator.

I'M NOT A ROBOT - it always asks me to solve the Captcha puzzles

The Captcha mechanism is made to ensure that shifts are being selected by a human, not a program. It asks the person to solve puzzles that are easy for people to solve but difficult for programs. The idea is that Captcha will learn that you are a person and will stop asking you to solve puzzles. You will simply check the box next to the words "I'm not a robot".

You can help Captcha remember you by signing into your Google or Gmail account. As long as you keep using the same browser and you are signed into your Gmail account, Captcha will remember that you are a person, not a robot.

I want to Self-Schedule some shifts but I do not see any

Is there a recommended Internet Browser to use? 

Where do I download the Team Xpress mobile app?

What if I don't have an Apple or Android device?

How do I login to Team Xpress?

I forgot my password. What do I do?

How do I change my password?

How do I log out?

The Dashboard does not show my current shift. Why?

What does 'Device not within geo-fence' mean? 

What does 'Your device accuracy is not acceptable' mean? 

What does 'The iCalendar is disabled' mean?

How do I confirm all my shifts in bulk?

How do I drop shifts I don't/can't work?

If enabled by your company, you may see an option to "drop" a shift.

What this means is also based on decisions that your company may make regarding workflow.

Essentailly by "dropping" a shift you are telling your supervisor that you cannot work that particular shift, but please note that you may still remain assigned to that shift until your supervisor finds you a replacement.  There are other workflows where when you drop a shift you are automatically removed. Please speak with your manager if you have questions on which workflow your company follows.

I have feedback for Celayix on Team Xpress. How do I share it with Celayix?

Geolocation & Privacy Policy

See the Geolocation & Privacy policy if you have any concerns about privacy when using Team Xpress.

I have read this FAQ page and watched the videos but I am still confused! What should I do?