Setup Guide - Web Xpress

Setup Guide - Web Xpress

Web Xpress is no longer supported. It has been replaced by Team Xpress.

The Web Xpress Mobile App User Guide will instruct you on how to process Web Xpress Mobile App in eTime Xpress.

Web Xpress Mobile App User Guide
(Versions 7.9.3 and above)

Table of Contents
1. Overview
2. Prerequisites
3. How it works
4. Initial Setup
5. Employee actions
6. Menu screen
7. eClock functions:
8. User Profile:

1. Overview

Celayix offers a dedicated smartphone/tablet app to permit employees to be able to clock in, clock out, perform a safety check and record break start & end times. The geo-location of the employees' phone or tablet can be tracked whilst performing these functions. Furthermore, the app can be configured to prevent employees performing these functions outside a pre-defined geo-fence.
The app must be running on a device capable of providing geo-location information.
In order to take advantage of these functions, the client must license the Web Xpress and Voice Xpress modules from Celayix.
The mobile app is available as a free download from the Google Play Store and the Apple iTunes App Store (search for 'Celayix'). For non-Android or non-iOS phones and tablets, similar functionality can be accomplished by using the new browser version of Web Xpress, available from this URL wxpmobile.celayix.com (file://green01/common/Documentation/User Guides and Videos (Customer KB)/User Guides/wxpmobile.celayix.com).

2. Prerequisites

This user guide describes how to setup and use the Web Xpress Mobile app geo-location and geo-fencing features. Each employee who will be using Web Xpress Mobile will require a Web Xpress account setting up and the client ID, username and password assigned for Web Xpress purposes will also be used within Web Xpress Mobile. Additionally, the Web eClock function has to be enabled in Voice Xpress.
Please review the Web Xpress WXP Administrator user guide and the Voice Xpress VXP Administrator user guide as these provide detailed instructions for setting up employee accounts, handling the time transactions and leveraging the Alerts functionality of Voice Xpress for Web Xpress Mobile.
If your employees are already using the Web eClock function of Web Xpress then no additional configuration is required in Web Xpress or Voice Xpress.

3. How it works

At site level, a latitude and longitude can be stored in the eTime Xpress database. Once set up, every time an employee performs a time transaction on a shift using Web Xpress Mobile, eTime Xpress checks the site associated with that shift and then checks the sites latitude and longitude. Web Xpress Mobile will overlay a map of the site and the employees' position on the map and record the geo-location information for tracking purposes. Optionally, employees can be blocked from performing time transactions if they are outside a defined radius of the latitude and longitude

4. Initial Setup

To set this up, the exact latitude and longitude of each site will be required. The recommended approach is to use Google Maps for this purpose.

In Google Maps (and this works better in Google Chrome rather than Internet Explorer or Firefox), navigate to sites general location and then right click on the specific site location. Select 'What's here?'

A pop-up window will give you the Latitude & Longitude of the location. Highlight this with the mouse and copy (the easiest method is to use the keyboard shortcut of Ctrl+C)

Go to the Site Record in eTime Xpress in Update mode and paste this into the Site Reference 1 field and Save:

The Site Reference 1 field is used to determine the sites geographical location. Only use the format as above – do not use any other format (e.g. UTM)
Then go to the Voice Xpress 'Clock Track Setup' screen (Voice Xpress > File > eClock > Clock Track Setup)
For each site, a 'location tolerance' will need to be specified. In other words, you need an idea how accurate the GPS signal is at that location. If the site is surrounded by high buildings, in a canyon or under heavy tree cover then the phones GPS signal is likely less accurate. If the site is in an open location then the accuracy is likely higher – that is the nature of GPS signal technology.
Set up the sites you expect to be using geo-location tracking:

In the example below, a radius of 500 meters has been specified. Other radius formats are 'km' for kilometers, 'ft' for feet, 'yd' for yards and 'mi' for miles. The radius value can differ at each site and each site should be surveyed to ensure the GPS signal accuracy is known.

As long as the device used for eClock purposes is reporting its location within a 500 meter radius of 49.287530, -123.120408, then the employee will be able to clock in or out, record a break start and/or end time and record a safety check (the exact functions available will depend on the security profile set up in Voice Xpress but can be enabled at employee level)
When the employee logs onto the Web Xpress Mobile and goes to clock-in to a scheduled shift, the Google 'Drop Pin' indicates where the phone is and the 'V' pointer indicates the site latitude & longitude with the 'tolerance' indicated by the circle – in the example below, the phone is outside the tolerance (more than 500 meters from the site) so the employee will not be able to clock in until they are closer

There is another system setting which is enabled by Celayix Technical Support which determines how accurate the phones GPS signal needs to be. There is no point in this technology if the phones GPS is so inaccurate that it could report itself anywhere. By default, eTime is set up to permit phones reporting GPS accuracy of better than 75 meters – this is very generous range but can be reduced if needed. You may need to wait up to a couple of minutes from 'cold' before the phone picks up an accurate enough satellite signal, particularly if you've just moved to a new location and powered the phone on. In the screen print above, the phone's GPS is accurate to within 4 meters.
NOTE: the Alerts functionality has not been changed and works exactly the same as the existing version of Voice Xpress. The alerts simply checks whether a shift has been clocked in/out in the database – the actual method of clocking in or out does not matter. Please refer to the Voice Xpress VXP administrator user guide for instructions on configuring Alerts.

5. Employee actions

When the app is launched for the first time, the employees are presented with this log-in screen:

Once they have entered the Client ID, Username and Password, they have the option to check the 'Keep me logged in' box to remember these details. On subsequent use, the employee will be taken directly to the menu.
They can choose to log-out at the end of each session if they want by using the 'Log Out' button shown below.
If they have forgotten their password, they can click on the 'Forgot your password' link and follow the on-screen instructions.

6. Menu screen

The exact functions displayed here will depend on the modules licensed from Celayix as well as the employees' security profile

7. eClock functions:

The Check-In screen will display one or more shifts the employee can potentially check-in to. The ability of Check-In to an unscheduled shift and/or record Safety Checks will depend on the employees' security profile and can be disabled if needed. If the employee is not scheduled, and they are not allowed to create un-scheduled shifts, then they will see a message stating 'You are not scheduled at this time'.
Functions to record Break Start and Break End times will depend on whether this functionality has been enabled on your database (see Meal Break Exception User Guide).
Note that the current time is displayed on this menu. If some employees are working in a different time zone, then a time zone adjustment may be needed as outlined in section 2.4 of the Voice Xpress VXP Administrator User Guide

Clicking the "+" icon will permit additional shift detail to be displayed. The fields to be displayed on this screen are controlled from within eTime Xpress:
From the Main Menu, choose Voice Xpress > File > eClock > Options > Web Time Clock > Display and Sort tabs.

If Geo-Location has been enabled on your database and the Latitude and Longitude for the shifts site been specified, then a small extract of Google Maps will display the site location and the employees' device location.

If the employees' device is outside the designated radius, then there will be a message to advise them of this as above.

Assuming the employees' device is within the designated radius; they click the 'Confirm' button and will receive a confirmation message. The processes to record a check-out, a safety check or break start/end are very similar

8. User Profile:

The User Profile feature allows employees to view and/or update their contact information, update their preferences (particularly whether they prefer to see times displayed in AM/PM format or in 24Hr format. They can also change their password.

The Contact Information screen permits the employee to view and update their contact details. The exact features and fields they have access to will depend on their Web Xpress security profile. Refer to the Web Xpress System Administrator User guide for further information.

The Preferences screen allows week start day and time format to be changed. If the iCalendar functionality has been licensed, the employee can also re-generate their ics files. Refer to the iCalendar User Guide for further information relating to this function.

The Password screen permits the employee to be able to update their password. This password is used for both Web Xpress and Web Xpress Mobile.

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