This guide applies to R814 and R900 of Celayix, except for section 10. For R900, section 10 is replaced by User access.
The Administrator Guide will instruct you on how to setup and configure eTime Xpress.
eTime Xpress
Administrator Guide
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Table of Contents
1. Administrator Overview
1.1. eTime Xpress Data Hierarchy
2. Company Overview
2.1. Rename Default Company
2.2. Add a Company
2.3. Update a Company
2.4. Delete a Company
2.5. Company References
2.6. Company Settings
3. Branch Overview
3.1. Rename Default Branch
3.2. Add a Branch
3.3. Update a Branch
3.4. Delete a Branch
3.5. Branch References
3.6.1. Branch Bill Rates
3.6.2. Branch Combination Bill Rates
3.7.1. Branch Pay Rates
3.7.2. Branch Combination Pay Rates
3.8. Branch Bill/Pay Settings
3.8.1. Bill/Pay Preferences
3.8.2. Bill/Pay Periods
3.8.3. Pay Rate Factors
3.8.4. Overtime Thresholds
3.9. Branch Rule Settings
3.9.1. Hours Type Thresholds
3.9.2. Shift Qualifications
3.9.3. Shift Restrictions
3.9.4. Self-Scheduling Start Time
3.9.5. Shift Locations
3.9.6. Minimum Rest Period
3.10. Branch Statutory Days
3.10.1 Customizing Statutory Days for Employees and Sites
3.11. Branch Daylight Saving Times
3.12. Branch Break Thresholds
3.13. Branch Time Off Debit Thresholds
3.14. Branch Recurring Allowances
3.15. Branch Accruals
3.16. Branch Message Types
3.17. Branch Colors
3.18. Branch E-mail Settings
3.19. Branch Alert Settings
3.20. Branch Services
3.20.1. Importing/Exporting Branch Services
3.20.2. Branch Service References
3.21. Branch Locations
3.21.1. Importing/Exporting Branch Locations
3.21.2. Branch Location References
3.22. Branch Time Off Codes
3.23. Branch Time Sheet Status Codes
3.24. Branch Shift Tag Sets
3.24.1. Shift Tags versus Shift Tag Sets
3.24.2. Add a Shift Tag
3.24.3. Add a Shift Tag Set
3.24.4. Add Shift Tags to Shift Tag Sets
3.24.5. Customize Colors for a Shift Tag Set
4. Codes Maintenance
5. Control Center
6. Workstations (Configuring Autodialing)
7. Custom Labels
8. Employee Types
9. Seniority
10. User Security
10.1. Add a New User
10.2. Company/Branch Access
10.3. Site Access
10.4. Employee Access
10.5. Menu Access (Modules and Features)
10.6. Security Groups
10.7. Change User Logon
11. Log Manager
Appendix 1 – Backing-Up and Restoring Database
1. Offline Backup
1.1. Performing an Offline Backup
1.2. Restoring from an Offline Back-up
2. Online Backup
2.1. Performing an Online Backup
2.2. Restoring from an Online Backup
Appendix 2 – Rule Processing
Appendix 3 – User Definable Codes
Appendix 4 – Database Administration
1. Monitoring Database Size
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The Effective Date allows you to define current and future Bill Rates. When calculating billing, eTime Xpress will apply the Bill Rate in effect on the date of the shift.
Note: If shifts were created prior to defining Bill Rates or you are updating an existing Bill Rate, you will be asked whether you want to apply the new Bill Rate to existing shifts. Selecting 'Yes' will recalculate your billing information with the new rate, where as selecting 'No' will apply the new rate only to newly created shifts.
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If Joe Doe is scheduled to perform On Call duties that shift satisfies the criteria for both combination bill rate #1 and #2.
Based on the priority table above, bill rate #1 would have priority rank of 6 while bill rate #2 would have priority rank of 11. The system would assign combination bill rate #1 of $25 to the shift.
Note: If shifts were created prior to defining Bill Rates or you are updating an existing Bill Rate, you will be asked whether you want to apply the new Bill Rate to existing shifts. Selecting 'Yes' will recalculate your billing information with the new rate, where as selecting 'No' will apply the new rate only to newly created shifts.
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The Effective Date allows you to define current and future Pay Rates. When calculating payroll, eTime Xpress will apply the Pay Rate in effect on the date of the shift.
When entering a Branch Pay Rate, eTime Xpress automatically applies the 'Default' Pay Factors defined for the Branch. If a Pay Rate requires a custom Pay Factor that is different than the 'Default' Pay Factor, select the Pay Rate and click the Pay Factors button in the Tool Bar. The custom Pay Factors dialog should appear as shown in the figure below.
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Custom Pay Factors allow you to define new Pay Rate Factors (Multipliers) or dollar amounts (Fixed Amounts) for each hour's type. Pay Rates using custom Pay Factors will be identified in the Branch Pay Rates screen as 'Custom' under the Pay Factor column.
Note: If shifts were created prior to defining Pay Rates or you are updating an existing Pay Rate, you will be asked whether you want to apply the new Pay Rate to existing shifts. Selecting 'Yes' will recalculate your payroll information with the new rate, where as selecting 'No' will apply the new rate only to newly created shifts.
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If Joe Doe is scheduled to perform On Call duties that shift satisfies the criteria for both combination pay rate #1 and #2.
Based on the priority table above, pay rate #1 would have priority rank of 6 while pay rate #2 would have priority rank of 11. The system would assign combination pay rate #1 of $10 to the shift.
Pay Rate Factors
When entering a Combination Pay Rate, eTime Xpress automatically applies the 'Default' Pay Factors defined for the Branch. If a Pay Rate requires a custom Pay Factor that is different than the 'Default' Pay Factor, select the Pay Rate and click the Pay Factors button in the Tool Bar. The custom Pay Factors dialog should appear as shown in the figure below.
Custom Pay Rate Factors Window
Custom Pay Factors allow you to define new pay rate factors (Multipliers) or dollar amounts (Fixed Amounts) for each hour's type. Pay Rates using custom Pay Factors will be identified in the Combination Pay Rates screen as 'Custom' under the Pay Factor column.
Note: If shifts were created prior to defining Pay Rates or you are updating an existing Pay Rate, you will be asked whether you want to apply the new Pay Rate to existing shifts. Selecting 'Yes' will recalculate your payroll information with the new rate, where as selecting 'No' will apply the new rate only to newly created shifts.
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Specify the rule priority using the ordering controls (Move Up and Move Down buttons) to define when the rule should be run, if required. Minimum Rest Period rules are processed on a 'First Match' basis (see Appendix 2 – Rule Processing).
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The Employee (Yes/No) and Site (Yes/No) values of a Branch Statutory Day record are used as the initial 'Apply?' value in the Employee Statutory Days and Site Statutory Days screens, respectively. You can customize the Statutory Day rules for Employees and Sites by selecting which Statutory Days to 'Apply'.
To customize Employee Statutory Days:
From the Main Menu, click Employee > Employee Statutory Days. The Employee Statutory Days screen should appear as shown in the figure below.
Employee Statutory Days
Employee Statutory Days lists all of the Statutory days defined for the Branch and whether a Statutory Day applies for bill or pay purposes. To turn off a Statutory Day rule, double-click on the record - the value in the 'Apply?' column will toggle between 'yes' and 'no'.
To customize Site Statutory Days:
From the Main Menu, click Customers > Site Statutory Days. The Site Statutory Days screen should appear as shown in the figure below.
Site Statutory Days
Site Statutory Days lists all of the Statutory days defined for the Branch and whether a Statutory Day applies for bill or pay purposes. To turn off a Statutory Day rule, double-click on the record - the value in the 'Apply?' column will toggle between 'yes' and 'no'.
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Note: Break Thresholds can also be defined at the Employee and Site level. To select which Break Threshold rules to apply, go to Site Main screen, select the applicable Site, click the Billing Settings tab and choose the applicable rule under the Break Thresholds field.
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Note: If the debit amount is entered as zero, the system will calculate the debit amount to be equal to the total length of the time off period. To allow for zero debit amounts, create a Time Off Debit Threshold where Time Off code = '*', minimum Time Off length = 0 and the Debit Amount = 0.
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Accruals allow you to configure complex formulas to automatically calculate accrual balances such as holiday, sick time and other entitlements. Please refer to the Accruals User Guide for more information.
The Accruals module in eTime Xpress requires additional licensing. If you wish to purchase the Accruals Module, please contact your Celayix Software Sales Representative.
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Note: To configure your SMTP settings, please consult your network administrator.
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Note: To replace the labels (i.e. Reference 1, Reference 2, Reference 3…) in the Service References tab, go to the eTime Xpress Main screen and click Configuration > Codes Maintenance (requires user with Administrator rights). From the Codes Maintenance screen, select 'External Srv Ref.' and then add a new Code with a matching number and description. The number in the Code field is the numeric label you want to replace and the description is the new label.
Service reference values can be added to lookups by selecting External Srv Ref. 1-10 Lookup in Codes Maintenance and adding applicable reference values.
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Note: To replace the labels (i.e. Reference 1, Reference 2, Reference 3…) in the Location References tab, go to the eTime Xpress Main screen and click Configuration > Codes Maintenance (requires user with Administrator rights). From the Codes Maintenance screen, select 'External Loc Ref.' and then add a new Code with a matching number and description. The number in the Code field is the numeric label you want to replace and the description is the new label.
Location reference values can be added to lookups by selecting External Loc Ref. 1-10 Lookup in Codes Maintenance and adding applicable reference values.
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The 'Use Rules' field determines whether the Time Sheet Status code can be posted to the Time & Attendance records. For example, Approved may have the 'Use Rules' set to 'Yes' while Draft, Submitted and Rejected may have the 'Use Rules' set to 'No'.
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If you select to 'Track Changes', you can review changes made through the Control Center by going to Reports > Scheduling > Control Center > Changes.
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Note: Security restrictions may be set for users with administrator rights to hide records and modules. When a user is created with non-administrator rights, by default that user has access to all modules except for those found under Security and Configuration options. Non-administrators cannot be given access to security related modules.
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Note: If the user has been granted Administrator rights, the user will always have All Company and Branches displayed.
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Note: If the user has been granted Administrator rights, the user will always have 'Allow Access to All Sites' checked-on.
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Note: If the user has been granted Administrator rights, the user will always have 'Allow Access to All Employees' checked-on.
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Items proceeded by a symbol denotes additional sub-items. To view the sub-items, double-click the
symbol. You may restrict sub-items by double-clicking on the Restrict column next to a sub-item until it reads 'yes'.
Note: If all sub-items are restricted, the 'yes' value next to a symbol will be displayed as a blue font. If only specific sub-items are restricted, the 'yes' value next to a
symbol will be displayed as a black font.
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Note: If a conflict exists between user security and group security records for site and employee permissions, the group security definition will win. For example, if a site is defined both at the user and group security level and that site access record is deleted from the security group, the site access record will be removed from the user permissions.
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If an individual has been issued multiple user logon accounts, those user logon accounts may be displayed as a grouped so that the individual can easily switch between user logon accounts. The system uses the email address field in the user account to determine which user accounts belong to the same individual.
Among other uses, multiple user accounts may used to apply record security to support specific reporting requirements.
To view and switch between user accounts, the individual may click Main Screen > File > Change User Logon.
The Change User Logon feature may be configured to automatically apply the existing password from the current user logon account, pre-populate the password or display an empty password field requiring the individual to re-enter their password when switching user accounts.
Note: This feature requires additional system configuration. If you require this feature, please contact Celayix support to have it enabled.
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You can also start the database by running the following command from the command prompt: 'c:\program files\celayix\etx\dbstart.bat'.
Note: If you installed eTime Xpress in a directory other than 'c:\program files', please substitute the correct directory path in the steps above.
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Your database files should be monitored (.bi, .db, .lg, etc.) to ensure they do not exceed the design specifications of a single volume database. When any single database file exceeds 1.5 GB, the database must be setup to support multi-volumes. Exceeding the file size limit may result in data loss.
If any of your database files are approaching 1.5 GB in size, please contact Celayix support for assistance (conversion fees will apply).