Configuring MetroSelect Bar Code Reader for use with HandPunch 4000
(Versions 7.0x and above)
To configure the correct COM port, pre-characters and post-characters definitions required by the HandPunch 4000, use the MetroSelect Configuration Guide (dated March 2006) to perform the following:
- Plug in MetroSelect Bar Code Reader (bar code reader does not need to be connected to the HandPunch 4000 unit).
- Scan bar code 'Enter/Exit Configuration Mode' (Page 2).
- Scan bar code 'Remove All Leading Zero's' (Page 44).
- Scan bar code 'Transmit Code 39 Stop/Start Characters' (Page 48).
- Enable RS232 Mode (Page 50).
- Scan bar code 'No Parity' (Page 50).
- Scan bar code '9600 BAUD Rate' (Page 50).
- Scan bar code '8 Data Bits' (Page 51).
- Scan bar code '1 Stop Bit' (Page 51).
- Scan bar code 'Enter/Exit Configuration Mode' (Page 2).