Configuring Metrologic Bar Code Reader for HandPunch 4000

Configuring Metrologic Bar Code Reader for HandPunch 4000

The MetroSelect Bar Code Configuration Guide will instruct you on how to configure the MetroSelect bar code reader for use with the HandPunch 4000.

Configuring MetroSelect Bar Code Reader for use with HandPunch 4000
(Versions 7.0x and above)

To configure the correct COM port, pre-characters and post-characters definitions required by the HandPunch 4000, use the MetroSelect Configuration Guide (dated March 2006) to perform the following:

  1. Plug in MetroSelect Bar Code Reader (bar code reader does not need to be connected to the HandPunch 4000 unit).


  1. Scan bar code 'Enter/Exit Configuration Mode' (Page 2).

  1. Scan bar code 'Remove All Leading Zero's' (Page 44).

  1. Scan bar code 'Transmit Code 39 Stop/Start Characters' (Page 48).

  1. Enable RS232 Mode (Page 50).

  1. Scan bar code 'No Parity' (Page 50).

  1. Scan bar code '9600 BAUD Rate' (Page 50).

  1. Scan bar code '8 Data Bits' (Page 51).

  1. Scan bar code '1 Stop Bit' (Page 51).

  1. Scan bar code 'Enter/Exit Configuration Mode' (Page 2).