Quick Start

Quick Start

The Quick Start Guide will help you get familiar with eTime Xpress and guide you through the initial setup of the application.

eTime Xpress
Quick Start Guide
(For versions 7.008.000 and above)

Table of Contents
1. Log into eTime Xpress
2. Change the Default Administrator Password
3. Map Your Organization's Structure
4. Customize Labels
5. Rename the Default Company and Branch
6. Create Additional User Accounts
7. Create Employees
8. Create Customers and Sites
9. Create Services
10. Build a Schedule
11. Book your training session



Thank you for purchasing Celayix Software's eTime Xpress. This document will introduce you to the features found in eTime Xpress and help you set up the initial configuration for the software.

1. Log into eTime Xpress

After launching the eTime application, the logon screen will appear. The default username and password would have been sent to you in a Welcome email, or are available from Celayix support.

Logon Screen
After logging in you will be presented with the Main Menu similar to the screen below. The Main Menu lets you access all of the features and modules in eTime Xpress - the features displayed will depend on the modules licensed. All features discussed in this Quick Start Guide are available by default.

Main Menu

2. Change the Default Administrator Password

Administrator users have full access to eTime Xpress - they can add users, set security levels, define business rules and more. It is important to change the default Administrator password to secure your eTime application.
To change the administrator password:

  1. Click on the Control Panel tab > Change Password.

  2. Specify a new password that is easy for you to remember but hard for others to guess.

Change Password
Note: The default Admin account cannot be edited other than to change the password.

3. Map Your Organization's Structure

eTime Xpress is highly flexibility and can match the scheduling needs of most organizations. However, in order to configure eTime Xpress for your scheduling needs, you will need to understand how it organizes data.
Below is a data hierarchy diagram of eTime Xpress with relevant definitions of how various objects are used in the application.

eTime Xpress Organizational Hierarchy
Note: The terms Company, Branch, Customer, Site, Employee and Service are customizable to match the terminology used by your organization. You will learn how to change these labels later in this guide.


Common Alternate Terms


Headquarters, Parent, Partnership, District, Geographic Area


Division, Subsidiary, Partner, Business Unit, Office, Hospital, Mall, Cost Center


Buildings, Teams, Contracts, Functions


Locations, Rooms, Floors, Wards, Areas, Sections, Orders


Resource, Contractor, Worker, Personnel and Nurse


Task, Duty, Position

Company. The Company object is the top level organizational unit in eTime Xpress - all organizational units below Company are unique to the Company (i.e. Branch, Customer, Site, Employee and Service). eTime Xpress must have a Company defined to operate - one is created on installation called Default Company.
Branch. The Branch object is a sub-unit within a Company. Generally, branches are broken out in terms of common business rules for Customer, Site and Employee groupings. You should avoid creating unnecessary Branch groupings as Employees can only be scheduled within their home Branch (i.e. cross-Branch scheduling is not currently supported). eTime Xpress must have a Branch defined in order to operate - one is created on installation called Default Branch.
Customer. The Customer object is a sub-unit within a branch. It answers the question 'why' a person or resource is scheduled.
Site. The Site object is a sub-unit within a Customer. It answers the question 'where' a person or resource is scheduled.
Employee. The Employee object is a sub-unit within a Branch. It answers the question 'who' is scheduled.
Service. The Service object is a sub-unit within a Branch. It answers the question 'what' action or job is scheduled.
Shift. A Shift is comprised of the following objects: date, time, Break, Customer, Site, Employee and Service.
Now that you understand the purpose of each data object, you should map how you are going to apply them in your organization. For more complex configurations, your product specialist will guide you through the setup process during your training and configuration sessions.
Note: The rest of this Quick Start Guide will reference the default labels. If you are planning on customizing your labels please make a note of how the new names translate to the original default names so you can still work along with the examples provided in this guide.

4. Customize Labels

eTime Xpress provides a framework for your organization's scheduling, but it also lets you customize that framework to suit your organization's needs. Within the application, certain terms may be customized to match the terminology used by your organization (i.e., Company, Branch, Customer, Site, Employee, Service etc.).
To customize a label:

  1. Click on the Configuration > Custom Labels option while in the Main Menu. You will then see a list of all Labels that can be changed within eTime Xpress as shown in the figure below.

  2. Select the Label you want to change and enter a new label in the 'New Label', 'New Plural' and 'New Short Label' fields.

  3. Click the Save button (

    ) to record your changes.

Changing Custom Labels
Note: The Custom Labels dialog lists the Labels by their original names in the Object Name list on the left. This means that "Employee" will always appear as "Employee" in this list regardless of the Custom Label. To revert back to the default labels, click the Default button and click Save.

5. Rename the Default Company and Branch

Your initial installation of eTime Xpress includes one default Company and one default Branch. You may want to rename these items to match your organization's information.
To rename the Default Company:

  1. From the Main Menu, click the Configuration > Company/Branch. You should see the Default Company listing as shown in the figure below.

  2. To edit Company information either double-click on the Company name or select the Company name and click the Update (

    ) button on the Tool Bar.

  3. Fill out the applicable company fields - only the Company Name is required. The Status is set to 'Active' automatically.

  4. Click the Save button (

    ) to save your Company's information.

Renaming the Default Company
To rename the Default Branch:

  1. From the Company/Branch screen, select the Default Company (renamed in the previous steps) and click the Branch Tab. You should see the Default Branch listing as shown in the figure below.

  2. To edit Branch information either double-click on the Branch name or select the Branch name and click the Update button (

    ) on the Tool Bar.

  3. Fill out the applicable branch Name field - only the Branch Name and Short Name are required fields. The Status is set to 'Active' automatically.

  4. Click the Save button (

    ) to save your Branch information.

Changing the Default Branch Name
Note: There are more settings to configure when creating a Branch that are not addressed in the Quick Start Guide. Please refer to the Company/Branch Setup Guide for more information.

6. Create Additional User Accounts

If multiple individuals are going to be using eTime Xpress, you may want to create a user account for each person or role accessing the software. You may restrict/grant user access depending on their responsibilities and position.
From the Main Menu, click Administration > Security > User Security - the User Security screen should appear as shown in the figure below.

User Security



(1) User list

List of User accounts.

(2) User Details

Displays User account information. You can also reset the passwords by updating the User Details.

(3) Company/Branch Tab

Specify the User's Company/Branch access rights.

(4) Sites Tab

Specify the User's Customer/Site access rights.

(5) Employees Tab

Specify the User's Employee access rights.

(6) Security Group Tab

Specify the Security Groups to which the User is a member.

(7) Menu Tab

Specify the User's Menu (module and feature) restrictions.

To Add a New User

  1. From the User Security screen, click the Add button (

    ) from the Tool Bar – the fields under User Details should become active.

  2. Enter the User ID (login name), Last Name, First Name, Status, Administrator value, Email and password. The user Status should be 'Active' - you can disable a user account by changing the account status to 'Inactive' or 'Void'. If you want the user to have Administrator rights, check-on the 'Administrator' checkbox.

  3. Click the Save button (

    ) to save your new user. You will be asked to verify the password.

Note: Special care should be taken when granting users 'Administrator' rights as they will have full access to all Administrator functions and application modules.

To Add Company/Branch Access

  1. From the User Security screen, select a User and click the Company/Branch tab.

  2. Click the Add button next to the Company/Branch Access browser.

  3. Specify the Company and Branch IDs which the User can access. Remember for fields that require entry by codes, you may press the F5 key to bring up a list of valid entries.

  4. Press the Enter key to save the Company/Branch access record.

Note: If the user has been granted Administrator rights, the user will always have All Company and Branches displayed.

To Add Site Access
Before defining a user's Site Access rights, you must first specify the user's Branch Access.

  1. From the User Security screen, select a User and click the Company/Branch tab > Sites Tab.

  2. By default, the User will have access to all Sites. If the User should only have access to specific Sites, uncheck 'Allow Access to All Sites' and click the Add button next to the Site Access browser.

  3. Specify the Customer and Site IDs which the User can access. Remember for fields that require entry by codes, you may press the F5 key to bring up a list of valid entries.

  4. Press the Enter key to save the Site access record.

Note: If the user has been granted Administrator rights, the user will always have 'Allow Access to All Sites' checked-off.

To Add Employee Access
Before defining a user's Employee Access rights, you must first specify the user's Branch Access.

  1. From the User Security screen, select a User and click the Company/Branch tab > Employees Tab.

  2. By default, the User will have access to all Employees. If the User should only have access to specific Employees, uncheck 'Allow Access to All Employees' and click the Add button next to the Employee Access browser.

  3. Specify the Employee IDs which the User can access. Remember for fields that require entry by codes, you may press the F5 key to bring up a list of valid entries.

  4. Press the Enter key to save the Employee access record.

Note: If the user has been granted Administrator rights, the user will always have 'Allow Access to All Employees' checked-off.

To Add Menu Access (Modules and Features)
eTime Xpress allows you to specify User access to modules and features. Menu Access security is defined from a "Restricted" standpoint. That is, a User will have access to module or feature unless they are restricted.
To Restrict Menu Access:

  1. From the User Security screen, select a User and click the Menu Tab – the Menu Restrictions should appear as shown in the figure below.

Restricting Menu Access

  1. By default, the User will have access to all Menu items (i.e. the user has no restrictions). If the User has access only to specific modules or functions, double-click on the Restrict column next to an item that is to be restricted until it reads 'yes'.

Items proceeded by a symbol denotes additional sub-items exist. To view the sub-items, double-click the symbol. You may restrict sub-items by double-clicking on the Restrict column next to a sub-item until it reads 'yes'.
Note: If all sub-items are restricted, the 'yes' value next to a symbol will be displayed in blue. If only specific sub-items are restricted, the 'yes' value next to a symbol will be displayed in black.
To Setup a Security Group:

  1. From the Menu bar in User Security screen, click Data > Security Groups > Security Group Details – the Security Groups screen should appear.

  2. Click the Add button (

    ) from the Tool Bar – the fields in the Security Groups browser should become active.

  3. Specify the Group ID and Description.

  4. Click the Users tab to add Users to the Security Group.

  5. Click the Company/Branch tab to setup Company/Branch, Sites and Employee access rights.

  6. Click the Menu tab to setup module and feature restrictions.

Note: Security Groups allow you to define a profile of access rights and menu restrictions. When Users are added to Security Groups, they automatically inherit the profile of the Security Group.

7. Create Employees

Before creating a schedule, you need to create Employees which you will then assign to Shifts.
To add a new Employee:

  1. From the Main Menu, double-click on the Employees button. The Employee main screen should appear as shown in the figure below.

  2. Click the Add button (

    ) from the Tool Bar to create a new Employee.

  3. All fields under the General tab (i.e. First Name, Last Name, and Short Name) are required fields. The other fields in the Contact, Profile, History, Pay Settings, and Registration tabs are optional. However, certain fields may need to be configured later depending on the features you use in the application (please see the Time & Attendance User Guide).

  4. Click the Save button (

    ) to save your new Employee.

Creating a New Employee

8. Create Customers and Sites

Before creating a schedule, you need to create Customers and Sites to schedule your employees.
To create a new Customer:

  1. From the Main Menu, double click the Customers button. The Customer main screen should appear as shown in the figure below.

  2. Click the Add button (

    ) on the Tool Bar to create a new Customer.

  3. All fields under the General tab (i.e. Name and Short Name) are required fields. The other fields found under the Contact, History and Bill Settings tabs are optional. However, certain fields may need to be configured later depending on the features you use in the application (please see the Time & Attendance User Guide).

  4. Click the Save button (

    ) to save your new Customer.

Creating a New Customer
Note: Every Customer must have at least one associated site. When scheduling, you are required to specify a valid Customer/Site combination.
To create a new Site:

  1. From the Customer main screen, select the Customer to which you want to add a Site and then click the Sites tab. The Site listing should appear as shown in the figure below.

  2. Click the Add button (

    ) on the Tool Bar to create a new Site.

  3. All fields under the General tab (i.e. Name and Short Name) are required fields. The other fields in the Contact, History, Pay Settings and Bill Settings tabs are optional. However, certain fields may need to be configured later depending on the features you use in the application (please see the Time & Attendance User Guide).

  4. Click the Save button (

    ) to save your new Site.

Creating a New Site

9. Create Services

Before creating a schedule, you need to create the Services your employees will provide.
To create a new Service:

  1. From the Main Menu click the Configuration > Company/Branch.

  2. Select the applicable Company and Branch, click the Branch Codes button found near the bottom left of the screen and double-click on the Branch Services folder. The Branch Services screen should appear as shown in the figure below.

  3. Click the Add button (

    ) on the Tool Bar to create a new Service Type.

  4. Fill out the Service ID (may be alphanumeric but must be unique) and the Description. The Service Type Status should be set to Active.

  5. Click the Save button (

    ) to save your new Service Type.

Creating a new Service Type

10. Build a Schedule

Now that you've created Customers, Sites, Employees and Services, you may create your schedule.
To create a new shift:

  1. From the Main Menu, double-click the Visual Scheduler button. The Visual Scheduler screen should appear as shown in the figure below. Click the Refresh button (

    ) to populate the Visual Scheduler with your current scheduling data.

  1. Click the Add button (

    ) on the Tool Bar - the Add New Shift dialog box should appear as shown in the figure below.

Adding a New Shift

  1. Under the General Tab, assign the date, Customer, Site, Employee, start time, end time, break and Service. Remember for fields that require entry by codes, you may press the F5 key to bring up a list of valid entries.

The remaining fields under the General Tab, References or Self-Scheduling are optional.
Note: To create a shift without assigning an Employee (Open shift), enter zero in the Employee ID field.

  1. Click OK to confirm your new shift. It should now appear in the shift record area of the Visual Scheduler.

  2. Click the Save button (

    ) to save your new shift to the database.

Note: Shifts Added and Updated in the Visual Scheduler are considered "draft" changes until they are saved to the database. This allows you to create unlimited "what if" scenarios before saving).

Record Save Confirmation

11. Book your training session

Congratulations! You have now completed the Quick Start Guide - your Celayix eTime Xpress product is now configured for basic use.
As you've already seen, there is far more to learn about using eTime Xpress. User guides are available for each functional area in eTime Xpress and provide in-depth help on how to use the application.
If you have purchased training hours please contact Celayix Support to book your introductory training session. The training session(s) cover far more advanced configuration scenarios and offer practical "how-to" solutions to many common Scheduling problems.
If you have not purchased training and wish to do so please contact your Sales Representative.

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